Sunday, December 16, 2007

Exclusive interview with... some guy?

3Q: I'm Quentin Q. Quentinstein, and I'm here behind a 7-11 where I am about to meet up with one of our new members of Fighting League EXtreme... unfortunately I don't see him, but I see this guy with a mullet, maybe he's seen him... *walks up to the man* excuse me, sir, I'm looking for a wrestler...

???: Name's Spud.

3Q: Oh, sorry, um, Spud, have you seen a guy who looks like he might be a wrestler around here?

Spud: ...*holds up a twig* Got a stick.

3Q: ...That doesn't answer my question. Do you even know what wrestling is? What am I saying of course you do, you just scream 'redneck'. Where are you from, Montana?

Spud: Nah, not Montana.

3Q: Well where are you from?

Spud: ...Dunno.

3Q: How do you not... okay look, here's a map of the US, can you point out where you live?

Spud: I suppose I could... *opens the map*.. Hey, this aint the United States...

3Q: ...You're...holding it upside down... *flips it over*

Spud: Ah okay... I'm around... this bit right here... *points*

3Q: ...That IS Montana.

Spud: Really?

3Q: Yep.

Spud: Huh. Never was good at geometry.

3Q: You mean geography.

Spud: Wait, I thought geography was that game where you hit a ball in a hole with a metal... uh... stick.

3Q: That's golf.

Spud: I thought golf was when a man got on top of a woman and-

3Q: You know, nevermind, I don't have time for this. I'm looking for a wrestler and you're just...

Spud: I'm a wrestler.

3Q: You? A wrestler? You can't even SPELL "ring", much less compete in one. You know what, forget this, I'm going to grab some coffee. This has been Quentin Q. Quentinstein with... apparently, pointless filler to remind you FLEX is still around.

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