Tuesday, April 6, 2010

FLEX Ballet With More Explosions!

FLEX Presents Ballet With More Explosions
Live at what used to be a Blockbuster in Hialeah, Florida.

The show starts with The Lost making their way to the ring.

Mekhet: Once again I am forced to fight for the title that rightfully belongs to me in an unfair match. Everyone, including Eric T. Figurehead, knows this is a farce and that Starr and Yagami will both work together against me... again. Ah, but I have a plan. A plan that will make Figurehead regret his decisions... a plan that will ruin him...

With that, The Lost leave the ring.


This was a fast-paced contest from start to finish, and despite a "Chuu Chuu Clutch" from Yaoi and an "Avalance Chuu Chuu Slam EX" from Yuri, Triple Maru kept hanging on until Yuri managed to get a rana and win the contest.

Shizuki Maru X/Marumaru [20:45- Cyclone Rana] Yuri O/Yaoi

Vic Marino didn't back down from the Helluva Tough Man, but Mr. B was dominant, hitting two powerbombs before finishing Vic off with a "BBT" (Implant DDT) onto a chair.

Mr. B O [14:03- "BBT"] Vic Marino X

Mr. B made his way to the outside.... then got jumped by YES!! YES! hammered Mr. B with chairshots before rolling him into the ring. The two batled but YES! quickly got the upper hand hitting a Schwein to take the title

YES! O [Schwein] Mr.B X

However he was promptly challenged by indy wrestler and all-around asshole Mister Excitement, who brought his psychotic smiley-face-masked cousin SMILEY with him. YES! did his best to fight the duo off, but they pounded him with stereo chair shots before Mister Excitement used his trademark camel clutch to submit YES! and take the title.

Mister Excitement O/SMILEY [12:11- Camel Clutch] YES! X

MATCH TWO: Tiger Woods Mask vs WENDIGO
TWM and WENDIGO had a high-flying battle, with TWM nearly getting the win with his "Sand Trap" (Tiger Driver) and the "Tiger Suplex 'O-FORE!" but WENDIGO got his feet on the ropes. WENDIGO eventually bit into TWM's mask, making him cover up and falling victim to a lariat for the three count.

Tiger Woods Mask X [13:19- Lariat] WENDIGO O

MATCH THREE: FELINE FURY MATCH: LOLcat vs LAWLcat vs Zeke The Luchacat (Referee: Terry Bogard)
The fur was definately flying in this one, with the trio of cats laying into each other. Unfortunately for LOLcat, LAWLcat and Zeke are actually brother and sister, and 'teh bludz is thikkur than teh ech-two-oh" and when it seemed LOLcat would beat Zeke, LAWLcat grabbed LOLcat and hit him with "KTHNXBAI!" (brainbuster) for the three count in 10:36. LAWLcat and Zeke would trade shots (and meowing the entire time), Zeke eventually playing dirty against his little sister, including hitting her with "Cat Scratch Fever", and while she would counter with her "u has a flavr!" (biting), Zeke would answer with the "Shining Hairball" (Shining Enzuigiri) for the three count.

Zeke O [17:48- "Shining Hairball"] LAWLcat X

Zeke would get the cheeseburger, but throw it out of the crowd and "MEOW!"d. LAWLcat would explain this to Triple Q:

"Zek only speek catspeek cuz he sez otherwhys is de-...de-.... is bad fur kitties... n also he is straightedge kitteh... in that meen he burger-free-n-bettern-u..."

Zeke would get booed as he headed to the back.

To the surprise of Big Bear and Killer Cow, their mystery opponent would be, in fact, named Mystery Opponent. Big Bear and Killer Cow would dominate this contest, but would find Some Guy and Mystery Opponent very resiliant as it took nearly fourty minuites to put them away, with Big Bear using his "Bear Claw" finisher on Some Guy.

Big Bear O/Killer Cow [39:26- "Bear Claw"] Some Guy In A Mask X/Mystery Opponent

MATCH FIVE: Kung-Fu-Man-Chu vs El Toothpick
The Kung Fu master went back and forth with El Toothpick, trading a "Chop-Su-Wi" for a "World's Tallest Rana" and a Superkick for the dreaded "Toothchipper", but KFMC got him in a clinch and kneed him until El Toothpick tapped out!

Kung Fu Man Chu O [12:02- Clinch Knees (CRIT!)] El Toothpick X

Suprisingly, the heels and faces ended up pairing off against each other, with Mekhet taking on DARKNESS Monkey and Yagami taking on Xander Starr. Starr would get hit with Yagami's Heroism Bomb early on, and while Senor Zebra was watching Mekhet applying a leglock on Monkey, so he didn't see the other members of The Lost rush the ring and ambush Yagami, getting him in a 4-on-1 beatdown and Gridion hitting him with a one-shoulder Liger Bomb, then putting Starr over him. The referee would see Starr pinning him for the first elimination in 13:57.

Starr and Mekhet would then surprisingly work together against the sinister simian, Mekhet throwing Darkness Monkey to the floor and Starr going to the top rope to hit him with a flying Rana! A HUGE "HOLY SHIT" chant followed this, and Starr rolled the Monkey back into the ring. Mekhet tried to capitalize but Monkey rolled him up for a pin in 26:53!

Finally Starr brawled with DARKNESS Monkey, who would try to powerbomb him and lock in the Gorilla Stretch but Starr got out of it and managed to hit a jumping knee to send DARKNESS over the ropes... then he once again flew at the monkey with a Sasuke Special! Once they got back in the ring, DARKNESS locked in the Banana Spread, and Xander almost faded, but he managed to escape, hit another flying knee, and then climbed to the top rope and hit him with the 810 Splash to win!

DARKNESS Monkey X [36:18- 810 Splash] Xander Starr O

Xander Starr would celebrate with the title in the air as the show ended... surprisingly without Mekhet or the Lost interfering...

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